Daunomycin hydrochloride for injection (DM) is the drug of best choice to cure acute leukemia, which is acknowledged by internationally. It can be applied to acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia and acute transformations of chronicity. It is indicated by Clinical researches that comparing with inducer breeds, the curative effect and safety of the daunomycin produced by our corporation is the same. The effective power of daunomycin in curing acute leukemia is 80.8 percent.
Daunomycin is a breed of “Catalogue of National Essential Drugs” and “Catalogue of National Essential Medical Insurance Drugs”.Using imported high-quality feedstock and advanced productive technique, the daunomycins produced by our corporation have sound curative effect but with low price. For this, they are generally accepted by most clinicians and patients.